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文件类型:Lock File



File used by various operating systems and programs to lock a resource, such as a file or a device; typically contains no data and only exists as an empty marker file, but may also contain properties and settings for the lock.

LOCK files signal to applications that a resource should not be used until the lock is released; this is useful for programs that need to prevent concurrent access to critical resources; for file locking, programs typically create a new file and add the .lock extension for the original filename; for example, a lock file for example.file would be example.file.lock.

LOCK files are commonly seen on Unix-based systems, including Red Hat Linux system file locks; other examples of LOCK files include Mozillas parent.lock file, which locks Windows Firefox profiles, and Apache Web Server lock files, which are created using the LockFile directive..lock                                                                      


Mac OS



Mozilla Firefox



Mozilla Firefox

Apache Web Server


来源:. lock文件