文件类型:Photodex Slide Show
Project file created by ProShow, a program used to create professional-quality slide shows with images, video, and audio; contains all setting and added effects necessary to load, create, and play the slide show; commonly used for business presentation materials, personal photography slide shows, and video publishing to the Web.PSH files do not contain any multimedia data; they only contain links that point to the multimedia resources; therefore, if a PSH file is moved, the resources may not be found and the user may have to relocate them.
PSH files may be exported into over forty formats, including Flash, DVD, CD, and Blu-ray; they may also be directly uploaded to YouTube or placed onto portable devices, such as the iPhone or Blackberry.
ProShow is available in Gold and Producer editions..psh
Mac OS
Photodex Presenter Plug-inPhotodex ProShow
来源:. psh文件