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文件类型:Windows Media Center Video File



Video file recorded by Windows Media Center, a program used to play multimedia content and record TV shows; encodes video using MPEG-2 compression and audio using MPEG-1 Layer II or Dolby Digital AC-3 compression; may also include descriptive metadata and digital rights management (DRM) information.

WTV files are created by the Stream Buffer Engine (SBE) when Windows Media Center records a television show; they are saved in the UserspublicRecorded TV directory by default; recorded shows can be opened and played back within Windows Media Center.

The WTV file format replaced the previous .DVR-MS file format in the Windows 7 version of Windows Media Center; WTV files can be converted back into DVR-MS files by right clicking them in Windows Media Center and selecting the Convert to .dvr-ms Format option..wtv                                                        


Mac OS



Microsoft Windows Media Center

CyberLink PowerDVD 10  

CyberLink PowerDirector 8  

Dvrsoft WTV to AVI Converter

Dvrsoft WTV to MPEG Converter

Dvrsoft WTV H.264 to MPEG Converter

Dvrsoft WTV to MP4 Converter 



来源:. wtv文件